
Light and Sound Feedback

Introducing the project to the students has been challenging. How much to show them in advance without spoiling the magic of discovering for themselves. The aim is to create a temporary installation using etrash objects and project their imagery onto it. This combination of effects causes confusion which is normally relieved by the end of the day when they see the results. My query is whether work could be pushed further by the students themselves throughout the day, if they are more clear about the potential of the final piece from the beginning.

On reflection, I may give a bit more time/example to what an installation is and what it can do, especially in relation to a message about etrash.

Feedback from the students has sounded like;
'it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be', 'enjoyed being independent, working things out for themselves', 'enjoyed using the laptops' The first time using photoshop and imovie for most students, and were excited to be using macs rather than pcs.

Students worked in twos and threes and showed excellent teamwork in this way. Particularly negotiating building and photographing the installation. There were clear ideas being expressed and commented on within the group, lots of trial and error. I was aware of deliberately standing back in this first hour while they made their decisions, which got more confident as the day progressed.

Using Photoshop:
10/15 minutes tuition using projector. Students watched, taking notes. Although every group has been reluctant to take notes, it has definitely improved flow of the session, and allowed students to work more independently. With future groups I'm going to try and demonstrate different tools and see how results change.

Using imovie HD:
Every group were very quick to sequence their images and add transitions. Nearly all groups have included sound effects and soundtracks to their animation which has been a surprise to me in terms of time available. Students have really enjoyed being able to do this. I feel I want to be able to offer greater range of sounds/tunes which relate better to the subject. Students have attempted to search on the internet which has been difficult using the laptops. Garage band is available on the laptops which would be a more creative way to add sound. The challenge is to find time in session to demonstrate this without limiting image making time.

I was very fortunate to have some Adobe Premier instruction from James Michie at the end of the last ILP. Building on success of the video ILP using Premier, I'm keen to try this application in favour of imovie. It will offer more control and creativity around their sequencing, particularly when using transitions.

With so many technical processes to experiment with throughout the day, I am aware the 'story' of etrash may be getting bit lost along the way. How to maintain the focus of subject while encouraging a freedom to use equipment is a tricky one. And this attention really varies between students. What is encouraging is the way every group has worked hard to complete something. There is always a sense of pride about showing the work to the whole group.

All student work from ILP 4th and 5th November is here on VLE