Well another four successful workshops! I am amazed by how different each group I work with are. Some rush through it in no time, and others only just get something produced by lunch time. One day I had to work very hard to persuade one group to leave at lunch time, they were so engrossed. I was also pleased that all the teaching staff seemed genuinely captivated by the process, and I really hope it was enough to get more animation happening in the school.
I think I have become much better at managing the long first session, by breaking it up a bit and being clear about the time scales. I also think that a good introduction to the topic has a positive impact on the ideas that come out. Jo Addington gave a thorough introduction to the E-Waste topic, which clearly had an impact on the students, and gave them a sense of purpose I felt.
I have to also comment on the students, I felt that this years' cohort tackled the whole project with real focus and enthusiasm. I don't know if this is down to a familiarisation with ILP's or the greater emphasis we have put this year on explaining why ILP's have been introduced, but I definitely felt they were listening hard to what I was saying, asking thoughtful questions, and giving well thought out answers in their feedback.